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Communiqué de presse


State decision on the data collector analyser (DCA) organisational model - janvier 2020

An overall definition of the tool, an analysis of the functional needs of future users and a prefiguration study were carried out.

Launch of a new campaign to prioritize pre-indications - novembre 2019

Dissemination of a questionnaire to the rare diseases and cancer care professionals for the submission of pre-indication projects. It explains: the interest of sequencing the complete genome in the patient care pathway, the technical constraints, the organisation to be set up and the expected volumes.

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Dissemination of a questionnaire to the rare diseases and cancer care professionals for the submission of pre-indication projects. It explains: the interest of sequencing the complete genome in the patient care pathway, the technical constraints, the organisation to be set up and the expected volumes.

1st meeting around DEFIDIAG pilot project - novembre 2019

DEFIDIAG is a clinical trial in intellectual deficiency.

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DEFIDIAG is a clinical trial in intellectual deficiency.

Industrial sector meetings - septembre 2019

In all, 108 firms took part, at some point, in all the industrial sector meetings (over 250 participants in total) including 37 large companies and 71 small- and medium-sized entreprises (SME).

Presentation of a report proposing a first training plan linked to the French Plan for Genomic Medicine 2025. - septembre 2019
Working group, led by the National Health Insurance Fund for Employees (CNAMTS), is being launched. - juin 2019
Examination of applications for new pre-indications by the HAS and the working group - janvier 2019
Launch of the 1st pre-indication prioritisation campaign - décembre 2018

Drafting and distribution of a questionnaire for the rare disease sectors and Inca laboratories on their pre-indication recommendations. The diagnostic interest, technical constraints, expected volumes and scientific literature are exposed.

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Dissemination of a questionnaire to the rare disease and cancer care sectors for the submission of pre-indication projects. The interest of complete genome sequencing in the patient care pathway, the technical constraints, the organisation to be set up and the expected volumes are presented.

1st international scientific committee of DEFIDIAG pilot project - mars 2018

DEFIDIAG is a clinical trial in intellectual deficiency.

Mapping of the entire training offer of French universities and public sector engineer schools - février 2018
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  • Poll of the entire training offer of French universities and public sector engineering schools through their web sites, including the training offer of medicine research and training units (UFR). This first objective was to identify the training that we believe to be necessary to deploy the French Plan for Genomic Medicine 2025. Only immediate vocational training was selected (continuing personal development – DPC, university diploma of technology – DUT, university of inter-university degree – DU/DIU, professional degree, Master 2, engineer degree).
  • Neither the RNCP, nor the other databases to which the ‘Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation’ (MESRI) contain any information since following the law on freedoms and responsibilities of universities (LRU), no feedback or training update has been required or completed. The database we are making in the « Training » working group of the French Plan for Genomic Medicine 2025 will thus be a primary resource of common interest for the platforms and professionals of the genomics sector for health.
  • This initial « inventory » work covers the entire value chain of precision medicine. The chain ranges from sample management to the interpretation of medical reports allowing where appropriate a diagnosis or therapeutic or preventive guidance, whilst including the specific aspects of computing, bioinformatics, « big data » or regulatory.
  • In the case of the public to be trained to make the French Plan for Genomic Medicine 2025 an operational success, it appears that areas of training must be structured by function, that is – apart from medical and paramedical professionals, hospital personnel – also the patients themselves, their families and their support professionals.
  • This led us to select over 600 training courses in France, with a greater offer for the Ile-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regions, with a higher number of Master 2.

Launch of the Training Working Group - octobre 2017
1st Meeting of the International Scientific Committee of the MULTIPLI Pilot Project - janvier 2017

MULTIPLI est un essai clinique sur le cancer.

1st meeting on the DEFIDIAG pilot project - novembre 2016

DEFIDIAG is a clinical trial on intellectual disability.

Discussions on the participation in the European initiative “Towards access to 1 million Genomes in the EU by 2022” - septembre 2016

In which representatives of member States are invited to co-sign a common declaration indicating political support for the pooling of current and future genomic data banks (on a voluntary basis) in order to reach a cohort of 1 million sequenced genomes accessible in the European Union by 2022.

1st meeting on the GLUCOGEN pilot project - septembre 2016

GLUCOGEN is the diabetes clinical trial.

1st meeting of the working group for the creation of CRefIX - janvier 2016
1st meeting of the MULTIPLI pilot project - janvier 2016

MULTIPLI is a clinical trial in oncology.